Installation - Installing Easy View

  1. Locate the file 'Setup.exe' on your hard drive, network or CD.
  2. Open the file 'Setup.exe' to start the installation.
  3. The Installshield wizard will come up shortly to guide you through the installation process.
    1. Click 'Next'.
    2. Read the license agreement click 'I Agree' and then 'Next'.
    3. Enter your Name and company information. Select which users to install the software for. Normally this will be all users.
    4. Select the installation type.
      • Complete
        Use this option for a default installation.
      • Custom
        Use this option if you want to specify a custom installation path.
    5. Click 'Install' to start the installation.
    6. Follow any additional messages that may come up during installation. Depending on your system, you may be required to reboot the computer.
    7. Click 'Finish'
  4. Easy View is now installed on your computer.

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